financial advice

The Ultimate Superannuation Checklist

BY LIAM SHORTE Republished from first/   Yet again we have only a short time left to the end of the financial year to put our SMSF or other super funds in order and ensure we are making the most of the strat­egies available to us. Here is a checklist of the most important issues that you should address with your advisers before the year-end. Warning before we begin In the rush to take advantage of new strategies, don't forget how good you may have it already. Be careful not to allow your accountant, administrator or financial planner to reset any pension that has been grandfathered under the pension deeming rules that came in on 1 January 2015 with­ out updated advice on the future consequences of losing the grandfathering. Point them to this document. It's all about timing If you are making a contribution, the funds must hit the super fund's bank account by the close of business [...]

By |2024-05-17T15:07:30+10:00May 17th, 2024|investment strategy, Retirement|0 Comments

Three realities and three mistakes

If market declines make you nervous, then you’re not alone. Especially now, when COVID-19 and its economic impact are fuelling feelings of uncertainty around the world. But while bear markets can be extraordinarily difficult, they also can be moments of great opportunity. Investors who find the courage and conviction to stick to their long-term plans are often rewarded as markets bounce back. To help put recent markets into perspective, we outline three facts about market recoveries and three mistakes that investors should avoid. Three facts about market recoveries Fact #1: Recoveries have been much longer and stronger than downturns The good news is bear markets have been relatively short compared with recoveries. They can feel like they last forever when we’re in them but in reality, they are much less impactful compared to the long-term power of bull markets. Although every market decline is unique, in the US, the average bear market since 1950 has lasted 14 months. The average [...]

By |2020-06-10T14:10:02+10:00June 10th, 2020|Market News, Tips and Other News|0 Comments
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