wealth management

Thorn bushes have roses

An article from Vector Insights by Brad Livingstone-Foggo, Head of Marketing - Australia, VanEck. He highlights the importance of understanding loss aversion and staying focused on long-term goals, despite short-term market fluctuations and psychological biases. Recent share market volatility and the threat of higher interest rates have scared investors afraid of losing money. These are thorns. Look for roses because loss aversion can be overcome. The lead-up to this past week’s RBA interest rate announcement and the week’s market volatility echoed two sentiments about investing we couldn’t overlook. Firstly, Morgan Housel, the author of The Psychology of Money, has said, “Volatility is the price of admission. The prize inside are superior long-term returns. You have to pay the price to get the returns.” And the second, from French novelist Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." Volatility and price moves go hand in hand with investing. They may cause short-term [...]

Fundamentals to estate planning

An article from Property Update provides clients with several key insights to help them understand and manage their estate planning effectively. Fundamentals to Estate Planning By Ken Raiss March 23, 2023 Planning your estate is an important matter. Estate planning involves arranging your assets and circumstances in such a way as to ensure that your beneficiaries after your death receive from your assets, maximum use and enjoyment at a minimum cost in taxes and heartache. In other words, estate planning should be an efficient and effective intergenerational wealth transfer solution that provides for your required lifestyle and enjoyment ambitions while you are alive. Before delving deeper into this topic with your legal advisor, it is important to understand the basic fundamentals. Note: The main issue to understand is that you will only look at your estate assets which will be managed through your will, and not your non-estate assets which are outside of your will. It is also important to understand [...]

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